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Fundamentals of Nursing The Art and Science of Person-Centered Care 10th Edition Taylor Lynn Bartlett Test Bank

Fundamentals of Nursing: The Art and Science of Person-Centered Care, 10th Edition by Taylor, Lynn, and Bartlett provides a comprehensive overview of nursing fundamentals with a focus on person-centered care. Buy this updated edition to explore essential nursing concepts, effective care strategies, and the art of delivering compassionate, patient-focused care.


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Fundamentals of Nursing The Art and Science of Person-Centered Care 10th Edition Taylor Lynn Bartlett Test Bank

Table Of Content

Unit I Foundations of Nursing Practice Chapter 1      Introduction to Nursing and Professional FormationChapter 2      Theory, Research, and Evidence-Based PracticeChapter 3      Health, Wellness, and Health DisparitiesChapter 4      Health of the Individual, Family, Community, and EnvironmentChapter 5      Culturally Respectful CareChapter 6      Values, Ethics, and AdvocacyChapter 7      Legal Dimensions of Nursing PracticeChapter 8      CommunicationChapter 9      Teaching and CounselingChapter 10    Leadership, Managing, and DelegatingUnit II Health Care DeliveryChapter 11    Health Care Delivery SystemChapter 12    Interprofessional Collaborative Practice and Care Coordination Across SettingsUnit III Processes of Person-Centered CareChapter 13    Blended Competencies, Clinical Reasoning, and Processes of Person-Centered CareChapter 14    Clinical JudgmentChapter 15    AssessingChapter 16    DiagnosingChapter 17    Outcome Identification and PlanningChapter 18    ImplementingChapter 19    EvaluatingChapter 20    Documenting and ReportingChapter 21    Informatics and Health Care TechnologiesUnit IV Developmentally Appropriate CareChapter 22    Developmental ConceptsChapter 23    Conception Through Young AdulthoodChapter 24    Middle and Older AdulthoodUnit V Actions Basic to Nursing CareChapter 25    Asepsis and Infection ControlChapter 26    Vital SignsChapter 27    Health AssessmentChapter 28    Safety, Security, and Emergency PreparednessChapter 29    Complementary and Alternative TherapiesChapter 30    MedicationsChapter 31    Perioperative NursingUnit VI Promoting Healthy Physiologic ResponsesChapter 32    HygieneChapter 33    Skin Integrity and Wound CareChapter 34    ActivityChapter 35    Rest and SleepChapter 36    ComfortChapter 37    NutritionChapter 38    Urinary EliminationChapter 39    Bowel EliminationChapter 40    Oxygenation and PerfusionChapter 41    Fluid, Electrolyte, and Acid–Base BalanceUnit VII Promoting Healthy Psychosocial Responses  Chapter 42    Self-ConceptChapter 43    Stress and AdaptationChapter 44    Loss, Grief, and DyingChapter 45    Sensory FunctioningChapter 46    SexualityChapter 47    SpiritualityAppendix A   EquivalentsAppendix B   Normal Adult Laboratory ValuesGlossaryIndex


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